How to Cook Flank Steak

Cafe Drake should really turn this instructional post over to compadre Dave Sellers, so many times have we enjoyed this tricky cut of beef - cooked to rare perfection - at his old crib on Grand Street. Now that D Sellers is ensconced in San Diego, we found ourselves on our own, but with lingering tips from the Sellers' kitchen. Above you'll see we served thinly sliced with tamarind rice, braised Chinese cabbage and dry-sauteed baby Portobello mushrooms. Marinate as you will or simply dry rub with equal parts kosher salt, sugar, cayenne and paprika, but do make sure to:
  • always allow meat to come to room temp before pan-frying
  • barely slick skillet with olive oil
  • wait till oil smokes before adding meat
  • cook 2 minutes undisturbed on high heat to sear meat
  • flip once only and cook only until meat thermometer reads 125 degrees F
  • let rest for 10-15 minutes to allow juices to redistribute before slicing
  • always slice THINLY on the diagonal


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