Cauliflower, Quickly Pickled

Cafe Drake's combination of Southern roots and a penchant for Asian food means - among other things - lots of pickles at our supper table. This quick pickle is more of a marinated veggie salad technically; leave in the spiced vinegar bath for a couple of days (tightly sealed and refrigerated) if you prefer a stronger flavor. Good with brown rice, mac-and-cheese and fried chicken.

Here's how: par-boil or steam 1 head of cauliflower florets until barely tender. Remove to an ice-bath then drain very, very well. Place cauliflower in a large ceramic or glass bowl and mix with: about 1 cup cider vinegar, 1 cup of water, 1/4 cup or more sugar, generous sprinkle of kosher salt, 1 sliced onion, 2 bay leaves, a few whole cloves, a cinnamon stick and a few whole dried red chiles. Cover and leave at room temperature for at least 2 hours. Stir or shake now and then.

Transfer to fridge and let marinate at least 4 more hours MINIMUM. Serve cold.


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