Who Needs Another Recipe for Meatloaf?

Probably no one but can we make a suggestion? If you use turkey instead of ground beef or pork, shape it into a loaf and cook on a baking sheet surrounded with seasoned, oil-tossed potato wedges for 1 hour at 400 degrees F. The meatloaf forms a tantalizing crust and stays moist inside while the potatoes do exactly the same. Remember to turn the potatoes once halfway through cooking time. We've had the same luck with sweet potatoes, rutabagas and parsnips cut into similar size and shape.

Cafe Drake HRV's Turkey Meatloaf with Sriracha Drizzle, Coleslaw, Roasted Potatoes and Cauliflower Vinaigrette

Oven Fries is perhaps a better name for these roasted potato wedges?
Cauliflower at Cafe Drake HRV is almost always savored as a soup, in a spicy curry or roasted. Steaming and then dressing with a full-bodied vinaigrette is a nice alternative. Serve chilled as a side salad or at room temperature as part of an antipasto platter.


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