Waiting on Spring

The deep snow is finally melting away at Cafe Drake HRV. Just in time for another predicted winter storm this week!

Gazing from the front yard at the still frozen Hudson River, Godot seems more likely to arrive than typical Spring weather.

above two photos: It doesn't get more characteristic at dinner time around Cafe Drake HRV than a plate of basmati rice, crispy pappadums, roasted asparagus and spicy eggplant curry.

We almost fell out of chairs when we heard some people actually don't like rutabagas. Cafe Drake HRV is enjoying this sweet and slightly pungent root vegetable while still found on market shelves. Gotta hurry though as they'll soon disappear until autumn! Nothing's easier than just peeling and dicing 1 large rutabaga and boiling until tender in plenty of salted water, about 30 minutes, give or take. Drain well and return to warm pot. Immediately add 2 T. room-temperature butter, cut into cubes, and mash roughly. Season with salt, black pepper and just a mere hint of grated nutmeg. For a truly velvety puree, prepare the same but boil 1 peeled and diced potato along with the rutabaga and whip in the blender with the addition of 2 T. heavy cream. Garnish with fried onions if desired.

St. Patrick's Day at Cafe Drake HRV - fried bangers (Irish sausage), roasted red bell peppers, mashed rutabagas, grilled rye bread and arugula salad.
Pizza bagels for lunch at Ruth Kopelman's Woodstock home!

Ruth always whips up creative surprises in her cozy kitchen.


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