Lloyd Whacks a Mole

Apologies to any sensitive souls perhaps disturbed by above photos! The moles devastating Cafe Drake HRV's sideyard garden are indeed cute, with soft, velvety gray fur, but their destructive appetites and burrowing habits are kept in check via their natural predator - assistant gardener Lloyd Page.


Anonymous said…
That mole had it coming. I'm more disturbed by Lloyd's outdated goatee.
DRAKE said…
haha - he's even further outdated than you can imagine - full on it's more of a soul patch.
octavio said…
dude, lloyd's look is coming back in brooklyn!
lucky for lloyd and me we've kept the same facial hair for the past 20 years.
DRAKE said…
Lloyd agrees w/ his Unkie Octavio it turns out - says the soul patch draws in more rough trade on nightly (Hudson) river crawls.

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