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Mid-East meets French meets Indian Dinner
Lebanese cheese and assorted olives make a salty counterpoint to sweet Gin Gimlets.
Almost guilt-free, Cafe Drake was able to detach ourselves from the grisly physical reminder of raw frog legs knowing these were wild sourced (a serious score) and the creatures never subjected to the horrors of a factory farm.
Light, low in fat and cholesterol and ideal for Summer's lagging appetites, frog legs are here pan-fried with East Indian spices and green herbs. Cafe Drake loves hosting dinner for Greenpoint's patron saint of kitties, our good friend Eva P. Eva has dedicated countless dollars and valuable hours of her busy life to rescuing and fostering dozens upon dozens of NYC's less fortunate felines, finding them final homes and happy-ever-after Lives. Lloyd Page being but one example. We began a casual weeknight meal with gin Gimlets sparked up via P&H Soda's scrumptious lime syrup, a prefect companion to Lebanese cheeses, olives dusted with angelic house-made za'atar and whole wheat crispbreads. The main course was grazed upon at the kitchen table, barely cooled by a failing window unit but refreshing via our dining companion . . . Basmati Pilao with browned onions and fresh peas, dhal, cucumber raita, blueberry chutney, creamed spinach with chilies and ginger and Frog Legs Masala.
nice 6 | also 7 | look 4 do not forget 5 | this here | nice 5 nice 4 | also check