Leftovers for Lunch

Leftover chicken, sliced and served cold; leftover braised daikon and carrots; leftover red cabbage slaw and sprouts dressed with leftover walnut dressing.

Returning home to Atlanta during the summer after our freshman year at college, Cafe Drake took a job at a local independent bookseller and, on most days, brought our lunch in a paper bag. As we sat amidst stacks of books to be unpacked and sorted, eating a typical meal of cashews, small chunks of cheese, crackers and hummus, our kind employer would jokingly ask if we were on the "mouse diet". A recent lunch above reveals our tastes haven't changed so very much years later.

We stumbled upon whole wheat dumpling wrappers recently in an Elmhurst, Queens Chinese market and couldn't wait to get home and try our hand at stuffing and then steaming them.


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