Lunch with Susan & Sloane
Cafe Drake met up for an overdue lunch with S & S recently at Curry Hill's Tiffin Wallah (Lexington Avenue and 28th Street), Manhattan's premier South Indian vegetarian restaurant. As Susan and Cafe D caught up, and Sloane took in the bustling pace of the packed place, we grazed through platters heaped with mini-uttaphams; coconut, mint and tamarind chutneys; exceedingly fresh spinach and paneer; creamy whole mung bean dhal; cauliflower and potatoes in a tomato gravy; crisp, paper-thin rotis and considerably more. Tiffin Wallah is almost unique in their approach to clean flavors, unmuddied and bursting with intelligent seasoning - no overcooked veggies or ubiquitous, one-fits-all spice mixtures here!
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