Into the Woods: Dinner with Kristin & Dolce Ploucquet

Invite us for dinner at your charming stream-side abode and we're there, done and done. KP and her loving hound Dolce hosted Cafe Drake HRV and Arabella Page for a recent weeknight dinner of mac-and-cheese (tricked out with chunky tomatoes, a creamy sauce and one secret ingredient we don't dare divulge), cuke and red onion salad, coleslaw and white chocolate for dessert. Meals and nights with dear friends like this have us obsessively checking text messages for future invitations!

Table for Two (with plenty of floor seating for the pups)

Arabella could barely drag herself away from the cool night air. Then she smelled the mac and cheese.

The shaded vast lawn borders a babbling brook. No, really.

Yup, perfect meal, perfect evening.


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