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Hollah at Holland (and David Herbert)
Man (and Woman) cannot live by bread alone, and as you all know, we need other forms of creative nourishment at Cafe Drake for sustenance. David H, as we alluded to in an earlier post, has an outdoor sculpture in The Hague, Netherlands . . . opening tonight! If in the vicinity, head straight over for an exhibition intriguingly entitled Freedom - American Sculpture. Wait, have they heard of our stateside civil liberty opponents Dubya B and D Cheney?? Nonetheless, the show is sure to be fascinating and includes, in addition to David, the likes of Sol Lewitt, Julian Schnabel, Joel Shapiro, Roxy Paine, Bernard Rosenthal, Kiki Smith, Mark di Suvero, James Turrell and Bill Viola. Click HERE for more info and see above Herbert's sculpture from the Sharon Springs, NY studio.