Fried Tofu Tacos, Homemade Chili Powder and More
Fried Tofu Tacos with Tomatoes and Pickled Onions; Steamed Veggies and Pumpkin Seed Mole To make the Fried Tofu , drain and pat dry 1 block of extra-firm tofu before cutting in to 1" cubes. Gently toss the cubed tofu with about 2 T. tamari and then, in a clean, dry bowl, toss the tofu with a mixture of cornmeal (no more than 4 T.), garlic powder , onion powder , smoked paprika and ground cumin . Fry in a lightly-oiled iron (or non-stick) skillet for about 8 minutes. Keep the heat at medium and turn the cubes to brown on all sides. A pair of tongs seems to work best. The fried and breaded tofu is delicious as a taco filling, obvs , but also useful for stuffing in wraps or adding cold to salads. Fast and Furious Pumpkin Seed Mole : Toast 1 cup of raw pumpkin seeds in a dry skillet, shaking often to avoid burning. When the seeds are browned and puffed they're ready to be transferred immediately to a nearby plate. After the seeds have cooled for a few minutes, pl...