How Our Garden Grows, Part VIII

A Pink Brandywine heirloom tomato plant is covered with baseball-sized fruit that needs to ripen on the vine for another few weeks.

This week we cleared a portion of the largest raised bed garden of overgrowing mint and bolted dill. After hand-tilling the soil and amending with organic fertilizer, broccoli rabe and kai lan seeds were planted for autumn harvest. Kai lan is a glossy, thick-stemmed Asian green vegetable that thrives in cooler growing conditions.

Dinosaur Kale, with its prehistoric look, is aptly named.

This single plant has yielded dozens of tart tomatillos already and new, tiny paper lantern buds appear daily.

Dried and still drying garlic bulbs from the garden rest on the kitchen counter. We can't remember the last time we bought garlic!

Herbs we're drying throughout the Cafe Drake HRV growing season include basil, dill, golden sage, peppermint, lavender, thyme, red and green shiso and oregano.


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