The Last Summer Twlight Picnic at the Botanic Gardens

How Cafe Drake relished these evening picnics, sprawled amidst the grand lawns and wooded knolls of the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, a guest of member and Garden Supporter Susan McKeever-Duys. The final members-only event occurred last week and Susan, Sloane and CD took full advantage of summer's encroaching finale - as the sky turned dark (an hour earlier than our first picnic in June) the Gardens projected Little Shop of Horrors, a witty choice given its flesh-eating plant protagonist!

Grazed Upon: Susan's amazing pasta salad with poached cod and green peas, pasta pesto salad with slivered Tasso ham, stuffed eggplant in tomato sauce, curried Kirby cuke pickles, peaches and pears.


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